[ 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ]
4GL | fourth generation language |
A | |
A | ampere |
A | angstrom |
A/D | analog to digital |
AAC | Advanced Audio Coding |
AAC | Advanced Audio Compression |
AAIC | active addressing integrated circuit |
AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer |
AAL2 | ATM Adaptation Layer 2 |
ABEL | Advanced Boolean Equation Language |
ABI | application binary interface |
ABT | advanced BiCMOS technology |
ABTE | Advanced BiCMOS Technology/Enhanced logic |
ABTH | Advanced BiCMOS Technology logic with Bus-Hold |
AC | Advanced CMOS logic |
ac | alternating current |
ACATS | Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service (standard) |
ACF | auto-correlation function |
ACK | acknowledge |
ACL | advanced CMOS logic |
ACM | Association for Computing Machinery |
ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface [spec] |
ACR | SIG Advanced Communications Riser Special Interest Group |
ACT | Advanced CMOS logic with TTL-compatible inputs |
ADC | analog-to-digital converter |
ADDSP | application-specific digital signal processor |
ADM | add/drop multiplexer |
ADPCM | adaptive differential pulse-code modulation |
ADSL | asynchronous/asymmetrical digital-subscriber loop line |
AEA | American Electronic Association (Washington, DC) |
AEA | American Engineering Association |
AEEC | Airline Electronic Engineering Committee (part of ARINC) |
AES | Advanced Encription Standard |
AF | audio frequency |
AFC | audio-frequency control |
AFC | automatic frequency control |
AFE | Analog front end |
AGC | automatic gain control |
AGP | accelerated graphics port |
AHDL | analog hardware-description language (software) |
Ahr | ampere-hour |
Ahr | ampere hour |
AI | artificial intelligence |
AIN | advanced intelligent network (telecommunications) |
ALF | advanced library format |
ALGOL | algorithmic language |
ALN | adaptive-logic network (neural) |
ALU | arithmetic-logic unit |
AM | active matrix (liquid-crystal display) |
AM | amplitude modulation |
AMBA | Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture |
AMEL | active-matrix electroluminescence |
AMLCD | active-matrix liquid-crystal display |
AMPS | Advanced Mobile Phone Service (worldwide standard) |
AN | Access Network |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute (New York) |
AP | arithmetic processor |
APD | Avalanche photodiode |
API | application-programming interface |
APM | advanced power management |
AQL | acceptable quality level |
ARIB | Association of Radio Industries and Businesses |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio Inc (airline consortium) |
ARO | after receipt of order.ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (US government) |
ASCII | American National Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASIC | application-specific integrated circuit |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ASPI | advanced SCSI programming interface |
ASR | automatic speech recognition |
ASSP | application-specific standard product |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
At | ampere turn |
ATA | ATbus-attachment (mobile version of IDE) |
ATAPI | AT Attachment Packet Interface (IDE standard) |
ATE | automatic test equipment |
ATELP | adaptive-transform-excited-linear prediction |
ATG | automatic test generation |
ATM | asynchronous transfer mode (communications) |
ATPG | automatic test-program/pattern generation |
ATRAC | adaptive-transform acoustic coding |
ATSC | Advanced Television Systems Committee |
ATV | advanced television (high-definition television) |
avg | average |
AVI | advanced vehicle identification |
AVI | Analog VHDL International (standards group) |
AWG | American wire gauge (standard) |
AWG | arbitrary-waveform generator |
AWG | array waveguide grading |
B | |
B | bel |
B-CDMA | broadband code division multiple access (communications) |
B8ZS | bipolar eight zero substitution |
BALUN | balanced-to-unbalanced |
Basic | beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code (software) |
BAW | bulk acoustic wave (HF device) |
BBS | bulletin board system (software) |
BBT | bit-block transfer |
BC | backward compatible (coding) |
BCCH | broadcast control channel |
BCD | binary-coded decimal |
BDD | binary decision diagram |
BECN | Backward Explicit Congestion Notification |
BEI | back-scattered electron imaging |
BER | bit error rate |
BERT | bit error rate/ratio test |
BFSK | binary frequency-shift keying |
BFSL | best-fit straight line (error measurement) |
BGA | ball-grid array (packaging) |
BiCMOS | bipolar complementary metal-oxide semiconductor |
BIOS | basic input/output system (computer) |
BIP | bit-interleaved parity (communications) |
BIST | built-in self-test |
Bit-BLT | bit-block line transfer |
BITE | built-in test equipment |
BIU | bus-interface unit |
BJT | bipolar junction transistor |
BLAS | basic linear-algebra subprogram (software) |
BLIP | background-limited infrared photodetector |
BLT | block transfer |
BMC | Baseboard Management Controller |
BMP | bit-mapped (graphics file format) |
BMU | bit-manipulation unit |
BMV | Bundesministerium fur Verkehr (German Ministry of Transportation) |
BNC | baby n connector |
BOM | Bill of Materials |
BOOTP | Bootstrap Protocol (Internet) |
BORSCHT | battery-feed, overvoltage, ringing, supervision, coding, hybrid and test (functions of all-inclusive |
telecommunications | device).BPF band-pass filter |
BPSK | binary phase-shift keying |
BPU | boundary-processing unit |
BPV | bipolar violation |
BSAC | bit-sliced arithmetic coding |
BSC | bisynchronous communication |
BSDL | boundary-scan description language (software) |
BSI | British Standards Institution |
BSS | broadcast satellite service (DBS) |
BSS | basic service set (communications) |
BTL | backplane transceiver logic |
BTU | British thermal unit |
BWA | broadband wireless access |
C | |
C | Celsius |
CA | certificate authority |
CAC | Connnection address control |
CAD | computer-aided design |
CAE | computer-aided engineering |
CAGR | compound annual growth rate |
CAI | Common Air Interface (European) |
CAIBE | chemically assisted ion-beam etch |
CAM | content-addressable memory |
CAM | computer-aided manufacturing |
CAMAC | computer-aided measurement and control |
CAN | controller-area network |
CAP | competitive access provider (vs RBOC) |
CART | classification and regression tree (neural network) |
CASCADE | Chip Architecture for Smart Cards and (Portable Intelligent) Devices |
CASE | computer-aided software engineering |
CAT | computer-aided test |
CAT | computerized axial tomography (medical diagnostics) |
CATV | community antenna TV |
CB | complementary bipolar (IC) |
CBEMA | Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association |
CBGA | ceramic ball-grid array (IC) |
CBIC | complementary bipolar integrated circuit |
CBR | constant bit rate |
CC/VL | constant current, voltage limited (power supply) |
CCC | ceramic chip carrier |
CCD | charge-coupled device |
CCF | cross-correlation function |
CCFT | cold-cathode fluorescent tube |
CCGA | ceramic column grid array (IC) |
CCIR | Consultative Committee, International Radio (see ITU) |
CCITT | Consultative Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph |
CCN | Center for Civic Networking (on Internet) |
CCPCH | Common control physical channel |
CCS | common channel signaling (telecommunications) |
CCTV | closed-circuit TV |
CCW | counterclockwise |
CD | collision detection |
cd | candela |
cd/ft2 | candelas per square foot |
cd/m2 | candelas per square meter |
CDF | cumulative distribution function |
CDI | compact-disk interactive |
CDMA | code division multiple access (digital communications standard) |
CDPD | Cellular Digital Packet Data (Consortium standard) |
CD-R | CD-recordable |
CDR | clock and data recovery |
CDRAM | cache dynamic random-access memory |
CEG | Consumer Electronics Group (of EIA) |
CELP | code-excited linear prediction (speech coding) |
CEPS | color electronic prepress system (DTP) |
CERMET | ceramic metal (element).CFAR constant false-alarm rate (radar) |
CFB | configurable function block |
CFC | chlorofluorocarbon |
CFC | current-to-frequency converter |
CFI | CAD Framework Initiative (standard) |
cfm | cubic feet/minute |
cg | centigram |
cgs | centimeter-gram-second |
CHINT | charge-injected transistor |
CIC | CEBus Industry Consortium |
CID | charge-injection device |
CiDSL | Consumer-installable DSL |
CIE | computer-integrated engineering |
CIF | Common Intermediate Format (ITU video standard) |
CIIL | Common Instrument/Control Intermediate Interface Language |
CIM | computer-integrated manufacturing |
CISC | complex-instruction-set computing |
CIX | Commercial Internet Exchange (consortium, Falls Church, VA) |
CLCC | ceramic leadless chip carrier |
CLIW | Customizable long instruction word |
CLP | cell-loss priority (network) |
cm | centimeter |
cm3 | cubic centimeter |
CMA | ceramic multilayer actuators |
CMIP | common management-information protocol |
CML | current-mode logic (circuit |
CMOS | complementary metal-oxide semiconductor |
CMP | chip-level multiprocessing |
CMR | common-mode ratio |
CMRR | common-mode rejection ratio |
CMS | connection-management system (communications) |
CMS | customer mobility space (communications) |
CMV | common-mode voltage |
CMVR | common-mode voltage ratio |
CMY | cyan, magenta, yellow (printing colors) |
CNC | computerized numerically controlled (machine) |
CNR | Communication Network Riser (card) |
CO | central office (telecommunications) |
COB | chip on board |
Cobol | Common Business Oriented Language (software) |
COCB | chip-on-chip ball (grid array) (packaging) |
codec | coder/decoder (two-way communications), also sometimes defines a single-chip A/D-plus-D/A |
converter | |
codec | coder-decoder |
COM | Common Object Model (software standard) |
COMINT | communications intelligence |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture (of OMG) |
CoS | Class of Service |
COSE | Common Open Software/Systems Environment (Unix) |
COTS | commercial off the shelf |
CP | Customer Premises |
CPA | Center for Policy Alternatives (on the Internet) |
CPCI | compact peripheral-component interconnect |
CPE | Customer premises equipment |
CPGA | ceramic pin-grid array (IC) |
cpi | characters per inch |
CPIX | Common Programming Interface |
CPLD | complex programmable-logic device |
cps | characters per second |
cps | cycles per second |
CPU | central processing unit |
CQFP | ceramic quad flatpack (IC) |
CRC | cyclic redundancy check |
CRT | cathode-ray tube |
CSA | Canadian Standards Association |
csc | cosecant |
CSIX | Common Switch Interface.CSM cell-site modem |
CSMA/CD | carrier-sense multiple access/collision detection (LAN) |
CSO | composite second order |
CSP | chip-scale package |
CSP | chip-sized package |
CTE | coefficient of thermal expansion |
CTIA | Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association |
CTIA | Computing Technologies Industry Association |
CTS | clear to send |
CW | clockwise |
CW | continuous wave |
D | |
DA | distributor/arbitor |
D-S | direct synthesis |
D/a | digital-to-analog |
DAA | data-access arrangement |
DAA | Direct Access Arrangement |
DAB | data-acquisition board |
DAB | digital-audio broadcasting |
DAC | digital-to-analog converter |
DAP | data-acquisition processor |
DAQ | data acquisition |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US government) |
DAS | data-acquisition system |
DAT | digital audio tape |
DAV | digital audio video |
Davic | Digital Audio-Visual Council |
dB | decibel |
dBm | dB power (acoustics) |
dBm | decibel referred to 1 milliwatt |
DBMS | database-management system |
DBPSK | differential binary phase-shift keying (communications) |
DBS | direct-broadcast satellite (TV) |
DBS | digital-broadcast satellite |
dBV | decibel volts |
dBV | decibel referred to 1 volt |
dBW | decibel referred to 1 watt |
dc | direct current |
dc/dc | dc to dc |
DCASP | digitally controlled analog-signal processing |
DCC | data-communications channel |
DCC | digital compact cassette |
DCDI | directional correlational deinterlacing |
DCE | data-communications equipment |
DCE | Distributed Computing Environment (OSF) |
DCH | dedicated channel |
DCI | display-control interface |
DCL | delay-calculation language |
DCOM | Distributed Component Object Model |
DCR | digital direct converson receiver |
DCS | digital communications system |
DCT | discrete cosine transform |
DDC | display data channel (VESA) |
DDE | dynamic data exchange (software) |
DDI | device-driver interface |
DDN | NIC Defense Data Network, Network Information Center (Internet) |
DDR | double data rate |
DDS | direct digital synthesis |
DDTCP | dual tape-carrier package (IC) |
DECT | Digital European Cordless Telephone/Telecommunications (standard) |
DEF | design-exchange format |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DESC | Defense Electronic Supply Center (Dayton, OH) |
DFM | design for manufacturability |
DFT | design for test.DFT discrete Fourier transform |
DIC | differential interference contrast (optical inspection) |
DIE | Die Information Exchange (IC) |
DIL | dual inline (IC package) |
DIMM | dual inline-memory module |
DIN | Deutsche Industrial Norms (German standards agency) |
DINOR | dual-voltage NOR |
DIP | dual in-line package |
DKE | Deutsche Electrontechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE (Germany) |
DLC | Digital Loop Carrier |
DLL | dynamic-link library |
DLL | digital delay-locked loop |
DLP | digital light processing |
DMA | direct-memory access |
DMD | digital micromirror device (display) |
DMM | digital multimeter |
DMOS | double-diffused metal-oxide semiconductor |
DMT | discrete multitone (modulation) |
DNL | differential nonlinearity (ADC performance) |
DNS | domain-name system (DNC) (Internet) |
DOCSIS | Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification |
DOD | Department of Defense (US government) |
DOE | Department of Energy (US government) |
DOS | disk operating system |
DPAK | small power transistor package (for surface mount) |
DPCCH | dedicated physical control channel |
DPCH | dedicated physical channel |
DPDCH | dedicated physical data channel |
dpdt | double-pole, double-throw |
dpi | dots per inch |
DPM | digital panel meter |
DPMS | display power-management signaling (VESA standard) |
dpst | double-pole, single-throw |
DQPSK | differential quadrature phase-shift keying |
DRAM | dynamic random-access memory |
DRO | dielectric-resonator oscillator |
DS | downstream |
DSL | digital subscriber loop |
DSLAM | DSL Access Multiplexing |
DSM | deep submicron |
DSM-CC | Digital Storage Media Command and Control (group) |
DSO | digital-storage oscilloscope (usually describes general-purpose instruments) |
DSO | digital-sampling oscilloscope (usually describes ultra-high-speed sequential-sampling instruments) |
DSP | digital signal processing/processor |
DSR | data set ready |
DSSS | direct-sequence spread spectrum (communication) |
DTAB | demountable tape-automated bonding (IC) |
DTAD | digital telephone-answering device |
DTE | data-termination equipment |
DTI | Department of Trade and Industry (British government) |
DTL | diode transistor logic |
DTMF | dual tone multifrequency (communications) |
DTS | Digital Theater System |
DTV | digital television |
DUT | device under test |
DVD | digital versatile disk |
DVI | digital video interactive |
DVI | Digital Visual Interface |
DVM | digital voltmeter |
DVP | digital video processor |
DWDM | dense-wavelength-division multiplexing |
DWT | discrete waveform transform (video compression) |
E | |
E-O | electro-optical |
EAN | European Article Number.EAROM electrically alterable read-only memory |
EBCDIC | extended binary-coded-decimal interchange code |
EBGA | enhanced ball-grid array |
EBU | European Broadcast Union |
ECC | error-correction code |
ECL | emitter-coupled logic |
ECM | electronic countermeasure (radar) |
ECN | epoxy cresol nevolac (semiconductor-case resin) |
ECO | engineering change order |
EDA | electronic-design automation |
EDAC | error detection and correction (circuit) |
EDD | enhanced disk drive |
EDFA | erbium-doped fiber amplifier |
EDGE | Enhanced Data GSM Environment |
EDI | electronic data interchange |
EDIF | Electronic Design Interoperability/Interchange Format (schematic software) |
EDM | electrical-discharge machining |
EDO | extended data out (computer architecture) |
EDS | extended data service |
EDTV | enhanced-definition digital television |
EEPROM | electrically erasable PROM |
EES | Escrow Encryption Standard |
EFCI | Explicit forward congestion indicator |
EFF | Electronic Frontier Foundation (communications standard) |
EIA | Electronic Industries Association (Washington) |
EIA | Environmental Industries Association |
EIAJ | Electronics Industries Association of Japan |
EIF | Electronics Industries Foundation |
EISA | extended industry-standard architecture (PC bus) |
EJTAG | enhanced JTAG |
EL | electroluminescent (display) |
ELF | extremely low frequency |
ELINT | electronic intelligence |
EMC | electromagnetic compatibility |
EMDP | enhanced MDSL data pump |
EMF | electromagnetic field |
EMI | electromagnetic interference |
EMP | electromagnetic pulse |
EMS | expanded-memory specification (PC) |
endec | encoder-decoder (LAN standard) |
ENOB | effective number of bits (analog-to-digital conversion) |
ENR | excess noise ratio |
EPAC | Enhanced Perceptual Audio Coder |
EPD | early packet discard |
EPLD | erasable programmable-logic device |
EPRI | Electric Power Research Institute |
EPROM | erasable programmable read-only memory |
EPS | extended Postscript (image format) |
ER | explicit rate |
ESD | electrostatic discharge |
ESDA | electronic system design automation |
ESDI | enhanced small drive/device interface |
ESF | extended super-frame (communications) |
ESL | equivalent series inductance |
ESNUG | E-Mail Synopsys Users Group |
ESR | equivalent series resistance |
ESS | environmental stress screening |
ESS | electronic switching system |
ETC | enhanced throughput cellular (protocol) |
ETDMA | extended time-division multiple access (communications) |
ETF | equalized transfer function |
ETS | equivalent time sampling (digital storage oscilloscope) |
ETS | European Telecommunications Standard |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute (of ISO) |
EUT | equipment under test |
eV | electron volt |
EW | electronic warfare.ExCA Exchangeable Card Architecture |
ext | extension |
F | |
F | Farad |
f | frequency |
f | femto |
F | Fahrenheit |
F-H | frequency hopping (communications) |
F/V | frequency-to-voltage (converter) |
F/V | frequency to voltage |
FACT | Fairchild advanced CMOS technology |
FALU | floating-point arithmetic-logic unit |
FAQ | frequently asked question |
FAS | frame-alignment signal (communications) |
FASIC | function- and algorithm-specific integrated circuit |
FAST | Fairchild advanced Schottky technology |
FAST | flexible accelerated stress test |
FAT | file-allocation table (digital disk format) |
FC | Fibre Channel (communication) |
fc | foot candle |
FCA | Fibre Channel Association |
FCBGA | flip-chip ball-grid array |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission (Washington, DC) |
FCSI | Fibre Channel Systems Initiative |
FCT | fast CMOS technology |
FDDI | fibre distributed data interface (communications) |
FDMA | frequency-division multiple access (communications) |
FDX | full-duplex (communications) |
FEA | field-emitter array (display) |
FEA | finite-element array |
FEBE | far-end-block error (communications) |
FEC | flexible etched circuits |
FEC | forward error correction |
FED | field-emission/emitter display |
FEI | Federation of the Electronics Industry (UK) |
FET | field-effect transistor |
FFS | Flash File Standard (PCMCIA) |
FFT | fast Fourier transform |
FHSS | frequency hopping spread spectrum (communications) |
FIFO | first in, first out (memory) |
FIR | finite-impulse response (filter) |
FISO | fast-in, slow-out (circuit) |
FIT | failures in time (testing) |
FIT | fault-isolation test |
fL | footlambert |
FLC | ferroelectric liquid crystal |
flops | floating-point operations per second |
FM | frequency modulation |
FMCW | frequency-modulated continuous wave (radar) |
FMU | floating-point multiplier-divider-square-root unit |
FO | fiber optic |
FORTRAN | formula translation (software language) |
FOV | field of view |
FPBGA | fine-pitch ball-grid array |
FPCB | field-programmable circuit board |
FPGA | field-programmable gate array |
FPGA | fine-pitch grid array |
FPIC | field-programmable interconnect chip |
FPID | field-programmable interconnect device |
FPLA | field-programmable logic array |
FPN | floating-point number |
FPSLIC | field-programmable system-level IC |
FPU | floating-point unit |
FQFP | fine-pitch quad flat pack |
FR | full rate (communications).FRAM ferroelectric random-access memory |
FRED | fast-recovery epitaxial diode (rectifier) |
FRF | frequency-response function |
FS | full scale |
FSK | frequency-shift keying (communications) |
FSM | finite state machine |
FSS | fixed satellite service (DBS) |
ft | foot/feet |
ft-lb | foot pound-force |
ft/minute | feet per minute |
ft/sec | feet per second |
ft3/sec | cubic feet/second |
FTL | Flash Translation Layer (PCMCIA standard) |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol (Internet) |
VC | F/V converter |
G | |
G | giga |
g | grams |
g | gravity acceleration |
GaAs | gallium arsenide |
GATS | General Agreement on Trade in Services (international) |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (international) |
Gbit | gigabit |
Gbyte | gigabyte |
GCA | gain-controlled amplifier |
GDI | graphics-drive interface |
Gencam | generic computer-aided manufacturing |
GFC | generic flow control (ATM) |
GFM | graphics file manager |
GFSK | gaussian frequency-shift keying (communications) |
GHz | gigahertz |
GIF | graphic image file |
GMII | Gigabit media-independent interface |
GMII | Gigabit MAC interface |
GMSK | gaussian-filtered minimum-shift keying |
GOPS | giga-operations per second |
GPC | Graphics Performance Characterization (Committee) |
GPIB | general-purpose interface bus |
GPL | graphical programming language |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GPS | Global Positioning System/Satellite |
GQFP | guard-ring quad flatpack |
GSM | Groupe Speciale Mobile/Global System for Mobile communications |
GTL | Gunning transceiver logic |
GTLP | Gunning transceiver logic plus |
GUI | graphical user interface |
H | |
H | henry |
HCPLD | high-capacity programmable-logic device |
HD | high-definition (TV) |
HDCD | high-definition compatible digital |
HDD | hard-disk drive |
HDL | hardware-description language |
HDLC | hardware-description language C |
HDLC | High Level Data Link Control (ISO standard) |
HDS | hardware-design system |
HDSL | high-bit-rate digital-subscriber line |
HDTMOS | high-density-technique metal-oxide semiconductor |
HDTV | high-definition digital television |
HDX | half duplex (communications) |
HEC | head-error control |
HEMT | high electron-mobility transistor |
HiperLAN | high-performance local-area network (communications).HIPOT high potential (testing) |
HIPPI | high-performance parallel interface |
HLL | high-level language (software) |
HLR | home-location register (personal communications computer) |
HLUT | half look-up table |
hp | horsepower |
HPC | hand-held PC |
HR | half-rate (communications) |
HSL | hue, saturation, luminescence (color graphics) |
HSM | hierarchical storage management |
HSOP | high-power small-outline package |
HSTL | high-speed transceiver logic |
HSTP | High Speed Transport Protocol |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language (WWW-Internet) |
HTRB | high-temperature reverse bias (burn-in testing) |
HTS | high-temperature superconductor |
HTTL | high-power transistor-to-transistor logic |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HV | high voltage |
Hz | hertz |
I | |
I/O | input/output |
I2L | integrated injection logic |
IA | instrument amplifier |
IAB | Internet Activities Board |
IAC | interapplication communication (protocol) |
IBOC | in-band on-channel |
IC | integrated circuit |
ICE | in-circuit emulator |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICR | in-circuit reconfiguration |
ID | identification |
ID | inside diameter |
IDAPI | integrated database application programming interface |
IDC | insulation displacement connector |
IDC | insulation displacement contact |
IDE | intelligent drive electronics (disk) |
IDE | integrated device electronics |
IDEA | International Data Encryption Algorithm |
IDFT | inverse discrete Fourier transform |
IDL | interconnect description language |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission (Geneva) |
IEE | Institution of Electric Engineers (UK) |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
IES | Institute of Environmental Sciences (Mount Prospect, IL) |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IF | intermediate frequency |
IFAC | International Federation of Automation Control |
IFFT | inverse fast Fourier transform |
IGBT | insulated/isolated-gate bipolar transistor |
IISP | Information Infrastructure Standards Panel (of ANSI) |
IMD | intermodulation distortion |
IMTS | Improved Mobile Telephone Service |
in. | inch |
inch | inch |
in.3 | cubic inch |
InGaAs | indium gallium arsenide |
INL | integral non-linearity (ADC performance) |
INMARSA | International Maritime Satellite (mobile communications consortium) |
INNS | International Neural Network Society (Berkeley, CA) |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite (mobile communications consortium) |
IP | intellectual property |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPC | Institute for (Interconnecting and) Packaging (Electronic) Circuits (Lincolnwood, IL) |
IPMC | industrial process measurement and control.IPoATM IP over ATM |
ips | inch per second |
IPv4 | Internet Protocol version 4 |
IR | insulation resistance |
IR | infrared |
IRD | integrated receiver-decoder (for DBS) |
IrDA | Infrared Data Association |
IRF | impulse response function |
IRQ | interrupt request (software) |
IS | Industry Standard of Architecture (PC bus) |
IS | interconnect synthesis |
ISA | industry-standard architecture |
ISA | Instrument Society of America |
ISDB | integrated services digital broadcasting |
ISDN | integrated services digital network (communications) |
ISHM | International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics |
ISM | industrial, scientific, and medical (applications/bands) |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISP | in-system programmable |
ISP | Internet-service provider |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
IVDS | interactive video data service |
IVHS | Intelligent Vehicle Highway System |
IVMS | In-Vehicle Multiplexing System (standard) |
J | |
J | joule |
JDC | Japanese digital cellular (system) |
JDS | Japanese Digital Standard (telecommunications) |
JEDEC | Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council |
JEIDA | Japan Electronics Industry Development Association |
JESSI | Joint European Semiconductor Silicon Initiative |
JFET | junction field-effect transistor |
JISC | Japanese Industrial Standards Committee |
JIT | just-in-time (manufacturing, staffing, etc) |
JMOS | junction metal-oxide semiconductor |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group (video standard) |
JTACS | Japanese Total Access Communications System |
JTAG | Joint Test Action Group |
JTEC | Japanese Technology Evaluation Center |
JTFA | joint time-frequency analysis (DSP) |
JVM | Java virtual machine |
K | Kelvin |
k | kilo |
K | k[uom] kilohm |
kbit | kilobit |
kbps | kilobits per second |
kbyte | kilobytes |
kg | kilogram |
KGD | known-good die (semiconductor) |
kHz | kilohertz |
km | kilometer |
km/hour | kilometers per hour |
KSIA | Korean Semiconductor Industry Association |
KSR | keyboard send, receive |
kV | kilovolt |
kVA | kilovoltampere |
kW | kilowatt |
kWhr | kilowatthour |
L | |
L | lambert |
LAB | logic array block |
LAN | local-area network.LAP large-area processing (reference multichip module IC) |
laser | light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation |
LC | inductance-capacitance |
LC | liquid crystal (display) |
LC | low complexity |
LCC | leadless chip carrier |
LCD | liquid-crystal display |
LCI | line-conducted interference (telecommunications) |
LCOS | liquid crystal on silicon |
LCPGA | low-cost pin-grid array |
LCR | inductance-capacitance-resistance |
LCR | inductance-capacitance-resistance (meter) |
LD-AAC | Low Delay Advanced Audio Compression |
LDMOS | lateral double-diffused MOS |
LED | light-emitting diode |
LEF | library-exchange format |
LEO | low-earth-orbit |
LES | LAN emulation services (communications) |
LF | low frequency (30 to 300 kHz) |
LGA | land grid array (IC) |
LIF | low insertion force (socket) |
LIFO | last-in, first-out |
LIGBT | lateral insulated-gate bipolar transistor |
Li-ion | lithium ion |
LIM | Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (EMS spec committee) |
LIMS | laboratory information management system |
LIT | logic integrity test |
LLC | Limited Liability Corporation |
LLL | Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (Livermore, CA) |
LLP | leadless lead-frame package |
lm | lumen |
lm/ft2 | lumen per square foot |
lm/m2 | lumen per square meter |
lm/W | lumen per watt |
ln | logarithm, natural |
LNA | low noise amplifier |
LND | low noise band |
LO | local oscillator |
LOF | loss-of-frame (communications error) |
log | logarithm |
LPAC | lossless predictive audio compression |
LPAC | London Parallel Applications Centre (UK) |
LPF | low-pass filter |
lpi | lines per inch |
lpm | lines per minute |
LPM | Library of Parameterized Modules/Macros (standard) |
lps | lines per second |
LRM | language reference manual |
LSB | least significant bit |
LSI | large scale integration |
LSR | least-squares regression (curve-fit) |
LSSD | level-sensitive scan design (testing) |
LSTTL | low-power Schottky transistor-to-transistor logic |
LTAC | lossless transform audio coding |
LUT | look-up table |
LVCMOS | low-voltage complementary metal-oxide semiconductor |
LVDS | low-voltage differential signaling |
LVDT | linear-velocity displacement transformer (transducer) |
LVT | low-voltage transceiver |
LVTTL | low-voltage transistor-to-transistor logic |
M | |
M | mega |
m | meter |
Msamples/sec | megasamples per second |
M-Quad | metal (body) quad (flat-pack).m/sec meter per second |
M[uom] | megohm |
m3 | cubic meter |
m3/sec | cubic meter per second |
MAC | multiply-accumulate (computer operations) |
MAC | media-access control (communications protocol) |
MAN | metropolitan area network (communications) |
MAP | Manufacturing Automation Protocol |
MAP | modular arithmetic coprocessor |
MAPI | messaging application programming interface |
MARS | mechanical antireflective switch |
maser | Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation |
MATE | Modular Automatic Test Equipment (standard) |
Mbit | megabits |
Mbps | megabits per second |
Mbyte | megabytes |
MCA | Micro-Channel Architecture (IBM) |
MCC | Microelectronics and Computer Technology Center (Austin, TX) |
MCM | multichip module (IC design) |
MCT | MOS-controlled thyristor |
MCU | microcontroller unit |
MD | minidisk |
MDCT | modified discrete cosine transform (synonymous with TDAC) |
MDSP | microwave digital signal processor |
MEMS | microelectromechanical systems |
MESC | Molecular Equipment Subcommittee for Communications (of SEMI) |
MESFET | metal-epitaxial semiconductor field-effect transistor |
MFM | modified frequency modulation |
MFP | mini-flat pack (Japanese SOIC packaging) |
MGCP | Media Gateway Control Protocol |
MHDL | Mimic hardware description language (microwave) |
MHz | megahertz |
MIB | management information base |
MIDI | musical-instrument digital interface (multimedia) |
MII | media independent interface |
MIM | metal-insulator-metal (diode) |
MIMD | multiple-instruction, multiple-data (path-DSP) |
MIME | Multipurpose/Multimedia Internet Mail Extension |
Mimic | microwave-millimeter wave integrated circuit |
MIP | mixed integer program |
MIPS | million instructions per second |
MIS | management information system |
MITI | Ministry of Trade and Industry (Japan) |
MLP | Meridian lossless packing |
MMDS | multichannel multipoint distribution service |
MMF | multimode fiber |
MMI | man-machine interface |
MMIC | monolithic microwave integrated circuit |
MMS | modular measurement system |
MMU | memory-management unit (microprocessor) |
MMX | multimedia extension |
MNOS | metal-nitride oxide semiconductor |
MO | magneto optical disk storage |
MOCVD | metal-organic chemical vapor decompression (LED) |
modem | modulator-demodulator (telecommunications) |
MOEMS | micro-optical electromechanical systems (optical MEMS) |
MOPS | million operations per second |
MOS | metal-oxide semiconductor |
MOSFET | metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor |
MOSIGT | metal-oxide semiconductor insulated-gate transistor |
MOTS | military off-the-shelf (procurement) |
MOV | metal-oxide varistor |
MPEG | Moving Picture Experts Group (standard) |
MPFM | motion picture file manager |
MPLS | multiprotocol label switching |
MPP | massively parallel processor |
MPU | microprocessor unit.MQFP metric quad flat-pack (packaging) |
MR | magnetoresistive (disk head) |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MSA | metropolitan statistical area (cellular communications) |
MSB | most significant bit |
MSDSL | Multirate Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
MSDU | media-access control service data unit (communications) |
MSI | medium-scale integration |
MSK | minimum shift keying (communications) |
MSM | mobile station modem |
MSS | mobile satellite system |
MTBF | mean time between failures |
MTD | moving-target detection (radar) |
MTD | memory technology driver |
MTFT | multilayer thick-film technology |
MTI | moving-target indicator (radar) |
MTP-2 | Message Transfer Parts |
MTTF | mean time to failure |
MTTR | mean time to repair |
mux | multiplexer |
MVP | multimedia video processor |
MW | megawatt |
MXI | Multiplatform extension for Instrumentation (bus standard) |
N | |
N-AMPS | narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Service |
NAB | National Association of Broadcasters (Washington, DC) |
NACC | North American Calibration Cooperative (US-Canada) |
NACME | National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering |
NADTP | National Association of Desktop Publishers (Topfield, MI) |
NATA | North American Telephone Association |
NAV | network allocation vector (communications) |
NBC | non-backward compatible |
NC | numerical control (machine) |
NCD | nonlinear control design |
NCE | Nomadic Computing Environment (portable PC standard) |
NCMS | National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (Ann Arbor, MI) |
NCO | numerically controlled oscillator |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputing Applications (University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL) |
NDDS | network data-delivery service |
NDR | negative differential resistance (transistor) |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association |
NEMP | nuclear electromagnetic pulse |
NEP | noise equivalent power |
NFS | network-file system (Unix standard) |
NFS | network file systems |
NIC | network interface card |
NiCd | nickel cadmium |
NII | National Information Infrastructure |
NIM | network-interface module (standard) |
NIM | National Instrumentation Module (standard) |
NiMH | nickel metal hydride (battery) |
NIST | National Institute for Standards and Technology (Washington, DC) |
NMOS | N-channel metal-oxide semiconductor |
NMRR | normal-mode rejection ratio |
NNI | network-network interface (standard) |
NNI | network node interface |
NOP | no-operation instruction |
NOS | network operating system |
NOSC | Naval Ocean Surveillance Center |
NRE | nonrecurring engineering |
NRF | nonvolatile RAM file-manager |
nrt-VBR | non-real-time variable bit rate |
NRZ | nonreturn to zero |
NSB | National Science Board |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NSMD | nonsolder mask defined.NTC negative temperature coefficient |
NTDS | National TV Design Standards |
NTE | near to eye |
NTSC | National Television Systems Committee (standard) |
NTTC | National Transportable Telecommunications Capability (COMSAT) |
NTV | nonlinear thickness variation (IC wafer) |
NVLAP | National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program |
NVRAM | nonvolatile random-access memory |
NWDM | narrow-wavelength-division multiplexing |
O | |
OADM | optical add-drop multiplexer |
OAM | operations, administration, and maintenance |
OAM&P | operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning |
OC | optical carrier |
OCR | optical character reader/recognition |
OCXO | oven controller crystal oscillator |
OEM | original equipment manufacturer |
OEO | optical-electrical optical |
OFDM | orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (communications) |
OIDA | Optoelectronics Industry Development Association |
OLA | open-library architecture |
OLE | object linking and embedding (Microsoft software standard) |
OLED | organic LED |
OMF | Open Model Forum (of EDA) |
OMG | Object Management Group (software standard |
OMI | Open Microprocessor Initiative (European) |
ONU | Optical Network Units |
OO | object oriented |
OOF | out-of-frame (communications error) |
OOP | object-oriented programming |
OOT | object-oriented technology (software) |
OPC | Open GL Performance Characterization (Committee) |
OQPSK | offset-quadrature phase-shift keying (communications) |
ORB | object request broker (CORBA) |
OS | operating system (computer) |
OSA | Optical Society of America |
OSF | Open Software Foundation |
OSI | open systems interconnection (communications) |
OSPF | open sorted path first |
OSR | oversampling ratio (ADC) |
OSRA | Office Systems Research Association (Springfield, MI) |
OTA | Office of Technological Assessment (of US Congress) |
OTDR | optical time-domain reflectometer |
OTS | off-the-shelf |
OVI | Open Verilog International (organization) |
OVP | over-voltage protection (power supply) |
OVSF | orthogonal variable spreading factor |
OXC | optical cross-connect |
P | |
p-p | peak-to-peak |
P/I | packaging and interconnecting |
P4 | photolithographic pattern plated probe |
Pa | Pascal |
pA | picoampere |
PA-RISC | Precision Architecture - Reduced Instruction Set |
PA/R | peak-to-average ratio |
PABX | private access/area branch exchange |
PAC | pad array carrier |
PAC | Perceptual Audio Coder |
PAD | packet assembler/disassembler |
PAD | programmable address decoder |
PAD | bus processor address data bus |
PAL | phase-alternation line; French TV spec.PAL programmable-array logic |
PALC | plasma-addressed liquid crystal (display) |
PAM | pulse-amplitude modulation |
PARD | periodic and random deviation |
PASC | Perceptual Audio Sub-band Coding |
PBA | printed board assembly |
PBGA | plastic ball-grid array |
PBGAM | plastic ball-grid array, multilayer |
PBT | chemical designation like PBC, etc |
PBX | private branch exchange |
PC | personal computer |
pC | picocoulomb |
pc | board (PCB) printed-circuit board |
PC-QFP | printed-circuit-based quad flat pack |
PCC | Personal Communication Computer (European) |
PCF | point coordination function |
PDH | Personal Digital Communications |
PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect [bus] |
PCI | SIG PCI Special Interest Group |
PCIA | Personal Communications Industry Association |
PCL | printer control language |
PCM | pulse-code modulation |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association |
PCN | personal communications network |
PCOM | private communications |
PCR | plastic chip carrier |
PCS | plastic clad silica |
PCS | personal communications service/system |
PCU | peripheral control unit |
PD | pulsed doppler (radar) |
PDA | personal digital assistant (portable computing) |
PdAg | palladium silver |
PDC | personal digital cellular (telecommunications system) |
PDEF | physical design exchange format |
PDH | plesiochronous-digital hierarchy (communications network) |
PDI | perspective dark-field imaging (semiconductor wafer inspection) |
PDIAL | public-access dial-up (Internet provider) |
PDIF | P-CAD data interchange format |
PDIP | plastic dual-inline package |
PDM | product data management |
PDP | plasma display panel |
PDT | prototype debug tool (Tektronix) |
PDU | protocol data unit |
PEBB | power electronics building block |
PECC | partially error-controlled connections |
PECL | positive/pseudo emitter-coupled logic |
PECVD | plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition |
PEEL | Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic |
PEM | privacy enhanced mail (Internet) |
PEP | Programmable Electronics Performance (Corp standard) |
pF | picofarad |
PF | power factor |
PFC | power-factor correction (power supply) |
PFM | pulse frequency modulation (battery charging) |
PGA | pin-grid array |
PGA | programmable gain amplifier |
PGD | "pretty good die" (IC production) |
PGP | "pretty good privacy" (Internet encryption algorithm) |
PHEMT | pseudomorphic high electronic mobility technology (FET process) |
PHP | Personal Handyphone (Japanese standard) |
PHP | power hybrid package |
PHY | physical layer |
PIC | parallel intereference cancellation |
PICMG | PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group |
PID | proportional-integral differential control loops |
PIN | positive-doped/intrinsic/negative-doped |
PIN | pn junction with isolation region.PIND particle impact noise detection |
PIO | parallel I/O |
PIP | procedural interface protocol |
PIV | peak inverse voltage |
pixel | picture element |
pJ | picojoule |
PKI | public-key infrastructure |
PLA | programmable-logic array; Signetics trademark |
PLACE | PEEL Architectural Compiler/Editor |
PLC | planar light-wave circuit |
PLCC | plastic leaded chip carrier |
PLCP | physical-layer convergence procedure |
PLD | programmable-logic device |
PLDC | polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (display) |
PLI | Programming Language Interface (OVI) |
PLL | phase-locked loop |
PLS | programmable logic sequencer |
PM | phase modulation |
PMA | post-metallization anneal |
PMC | PCI Mezzanine Card (standard) |
PMCM | plastic multichip module |
PMD | physical media dependent |
PMOS | p-type metal-oxide semiconductor |
PMP | post-metal programming |
PMT | photo-multiplier tube |
PMU | parametric measurement unit |
PN | processor node |
PNN | probabilistic neural network |
pnp | p-type n-type p-type |
PnP | Plug and Play (ISA standard) |
POP | point of presence (Internet) |
POP | Post Office Protocol (Internet) |
PoS | packet-over-SONET |
POSIX | portable operating system interface - Unix |
POST | power-on self tests |
POT | plain-old telephony |
POTS | plain-old telephone service (system?) |
PPGA | plastic pin grid array |
PPI | plan position indicator (radar) |
ppm | part(s) per million |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet) |
pps | pulses per second |
PPT | precision pad technology |
PQFP | plastic quad flat pack (IC) |
PRACH | physical random access channel |
PRBA | Portable Rechargeable Battery Association |
PRBS | pseudorandom bit stream |
PREP | PowerPC reference platform |
PRF | pulse repetition frequency (radar) |
PRML | partial-response maximum-likelihood (disk storage) |
PRN | pseudo-random noise |
PRO | Precision RISC Organization |
PROM | programmable ROM |
PRS | pattern recognition system |
PSD | power spectral density |
psec | picosecond |
PSG | phospho-silicate glass |
psi | pound(s) per square inch |
psia | pound(s) per square inch absolute |
psig | pound(s) per square inch gauge |
PSK | phase-shift keying |
PSOP | power small outline package |
PSP | programmable signal processor |
PSPDN | packet switched public data network |
PSRAM | pseudo-static RAM |
PSRR | power-supply rejection ratio |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network.PtAu platinum gold |
PTC | positive temperature coefficient |
PTE | path terminating equipment |
PTF | polymer-thick-film |
PTO | Patent and Trademark Office (US Government) |
pV | picovolt |
PVC | polyvinyl-chloride |
PVD | peak voltage detect/physical vapor deposition |
pW | picowatt |
PWM | pulse-width modulation |
PXI | PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation |
Q | |
Q | quality factor (of a resonant circuit) |
QAM | quadrature amplitude modulation |
QAS | Quick Arbitrate and Select |
QC | quality control |
QCIF | quarter-common intermediate format |
QDR | quad data rate |
QE | quantum efficiency (photomultiplier) |
QFB | quad flat butt-leaded package |
QFP | quad flat pack |
QIC | quarter-inch cartridge (storage) |
QM | queue management |
QML | qualified manufacturers list |
QoS | quality of service (communications) |
QPL | qualified part/product list (procurement) |
QPL | Qualified Products List |
QPM | quasi-phase-matched |
QPSK | quadrature phase-shift keying (communications) |
QSM | queued serial module |
QSOP | quarter-size outline package |
QTAG | Quality Test Action Group (communications) |
QTCP | quad tape carrier package |
QUIP | quad in-line package |
QVGA | quarter VGA (320X240 pixels) |
R | |
RACH | random access channel |
rad | radian |
RADSL | rate adaptive digital subscriber line |
RAID | redundant array of inexpensive disks |
RAM | random access memory |
RAMDAC | random access memory, digital-to-analog converter (combination) |
RAS | row address strobe |
RAS | remote access service (network) |
RASSP | Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors (ARPA project) |
RAVE | real-time audio/visual environment |
RBOC | regional Bell operating company |
RC | resistance-capacitance |
RC-4 | Rivest's Cipher |
RCC | rectangular chip carrier |
RCM | release complete message |
RDBMS | Relational Data Base Management System |
READ | relative element address designate |
RED | random early discard |
REL | release message |
RF | radio frequency |
RFC | request for comment (communications) |
RFC | radio frequency choke |
RFI | radio-frequency interference |
RFIC | radio-frequency integrated circuit |
RFID | radio frequency identification |
RFP | request for proposal.RGB red, green, blue |
RHET | resonant-tunneling hot-electron transistor |
RHP | reconfigurable hardware products |
RIE | reactive ion etching |
RIO | random early discard In/Out of Profile |
RIP | raster image processor (DTP) |
RISC | reduced-instruction-set computer |
RISR | remote interrupt service routine |
RIU | ring interface unit |
RLC | resistance-inductance-capacitance |
RLE | run-length encoding (data compression) |
RLL | run length limited (eg: 2,7 RLL) |
RLN | remote LAN node |
RLQ | rate-limiting queues |
RM | resource management |
RMI | resource-manager interface |
RMII | Reduced Media Independent Interface |
RMON | Remote Network Monitoring |
rms | root-mean-square |
RMW | read-modify-write (software) |
RO | reverse osmosis |
ROM | read-only memory |
ROTS | rugged off-the-shelf |
ROW | rest of the world |
RP | rapid prototyping |
RP | reinforced plastic |
RPC | remote procedural call (network) |
RPC | remote-procedure calls |
rpm | revolutions per minute |
rps | revolutions per second |
RR | round-robin |
RS | recommended standard |
RSA | Rivest, Shamir and Adelman (encryption) |
RSSI | received signal strength indicator |
rt-VBR | real-time variable bit rate |
RTD | resistance temperature detector |
RTEID | Real-Time Executive Interface Definition (Motorola) |
RTI | return from interrupt |
RTL | resistor transfer logic |
RTL | register-transfer level/language |
RTM | resin transfer molding |
RTO | return to output |
RTOS | real-time operating system |
RTP | rapid thermal processing |
RTPS | real-time publish-subscribe |
RTS | request-to-send |
RTV | room-temperature-vulcanized (silicone) |
RTV | real-time video |
RW | read/write |
S | |
S-DAB | satellite digital audio broadcasting |
S/DMS | SONET/digital multiplex switch |
S/H | sample and hold |
SACD | super-audio compact disc |
SAM | serial access memory |
SAM | switched access with multiplexer |
sample/sec | samples per second |
SAN | storage-area network |
SAPI | service access point identifier |
SAR | synthetic aperture radar |
SAR | segmentation and reassembly (communications) |
SAS | silicon asymmetrical switch |
SASI | Shugart Associates System Interface |
SAW | surface acoustic wave |
SBC | single-board computer.SBDIP side-brazed dual in-line package |
SBIC | shared bus interface controller |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research |
SBM | shared buffer memory (Alcatel) |
SBS | silicon bilateral switch |
SBS | smart battery system |
SC | shared cored (Ericsson) |
SC/H | subcarrier-to-horizontal (phase shift) phase of color burst extended to the leading edge of the |
horizontal | sync pulse |
SCAM | SCSI configured automatically (ANSI protocol) |
SCC | serial communications controller |
SCC | square chip carrier |
SCC | stackable ceramic carrier |
SCCM | standard cubic centimeters/per minute |
SCE | storage-control element |
SCFL | source-coupled FET logic |
SCH | synchronization channel |
SCI | scalable coherent interface |
SCI-PHY | Saturn-Compliant Interface - Physical (device protocol) |
SCIM | single-chip integration module |
SCM | single-chip module |
SCOT | sealed chips on tape |
SCPI | Standards Committee for Programmable instruments |
SCR | silicon-controlled rectifier |
SCS | silicon-controlled switch |
SCSI | Small Computer System Interface |
SCTE | Society of Cable TV Engineers |
SCXI | signal conditioning extension for instrumentation |
SDBGA | super dissipation ball grid array |
SDCM | serial data converter modules |
SDF | standard-delay format |
SDF | Standard Delay File (OVI) |
SDH | synchronous digital hierarchy |
SDIP | shrink dual-in-line package |
SDK | system development kit |
SDLC | software description language C |
SDLC | synchronous data-link control |
SDLVA | successive-detection log video amplifier (microwave) |
SDOF | single degree-of-freedom |
SDRAM | synchronous DRAM |
SDSC | Standards and Data Services Committee |
SDTV | standard-definition digital television |
SE | Switch Element |
SEAL | simple and efficient AAL |
sec | secant |
sec | second |
SECAM | Systeme Electronique Couleur Avec Memoire (European video standard) |
SECAM | Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire |
SECS | Semiconductor Equipment and Material International's Equipment Communications Standard |
SEI | secondary electron imaging (surface inspection) |
SEL | surface-emitting lasers |
SELV | safety extra-low voltage |
SEM-E | standard electronic module e-type (avionics) |
SEMI | Semiconductor Equipment and Material International (Association, Mountain View, CA) |
SEP | signaling endpoint |
SERDES | serializer/deserializer |
SEU | single-event upset |
SFBI | shared frame-buffer interface |
SFC | Shannon-Farro coding (data compression) |
SFDR | spurious free dynamic range |
SFFPCI | Small Form-Factor Personal Computer Interface(standard) |
SFP | short-fault protection |
SFROM | smart flash ROM |
SGA | solder grid array |
SGMP | simple gateway monitoring protocol |
SHA | sample-and-hold amplifier (ADC) |
SHF | super high frequency.SHG second harmonic generation |
SHT | suppressed high-level differential transfer (circuit) |
Si | silicon |
SIA | Semiconductor Industry Association (Washington DC |
SIC | Standard Industrial Classification (numbering code) |
SiC | silicon carbide |
SICL | standard instrument control library |
SID | Society for Information Display (PCI) |
SIG | Special Interest Group |
SiGe | silicon germanium |
SIM | single inline module |
SIM | Subscriber Identity Module |
SIMD | single-instruction, multiple-data (array) |
SIMM | single in-line memory module |
SiN | silicon nitride |
sin | sine |
SINAD | signal-to-noise-and-distortion (ratio) |
SIO | serial I/O |
SiO | silicon oxide |
SIP | Session Initialization Protocol |
SIP | single in-line package |
SIP | SMDS interface protocol |
SIR | signal-to-interference ratio |
SIR | surface insulation resistance |
SIU | system interface unit |
SIU | system integration unit |
SL | stripline |
SLA | sealed lead acid |
SLAM | scanning laser acoustic microscope |
SLC | single-layer ceramic |
SLC | surface laminar circuit |
SLD | source level debugger |
SLIC | subscriber-line interface circuit (communications) |
Slicc | slightly larger than IC carrier (packaging) |
SLIP | Serial-Line Internet Protocol |
SLT | solid logic technology |
SMA | Semiconductor Manufacturers Association (UK) |
SMA | surface-mounted assembly |
SMART | stress-marginality and accelerated-reliability testing |
SMART | Standard Module Avionics Repair and Test(software) |
SMBus | system-management bus |
SMC | S-Bus mezzanine card |
SMC | surface-mount components |
SMD | solder mask defined |
SMD | Storage Module Drive |
SMD | surface-mount device |
SMDS | switched multimegabit data services (Europe) |
SME | small-to-medium enterprises |
SMEMA | Surface Mount Equipment Manufacturers Association |
SMF | single-mode fiber |
SMI | small- and medium-sized industries |
SMI | (power) system management interrupts |
SMII | Serial Media Independent Interface |
SMM | (power) system management mode |
SMOBC | solder mask over bare copper |
SMP | symmetric multiprocessing |
SMPGA | surface-mount pin grid array |
SMPS | switch-mode power supply |
SMPTE | Society of Motion Picture and TV Engineers |
SMRT | surface-mount and reflow technology |
SMT | surface-mount technology |
SMTA | Surface-Mount Technology Association |
SMU | source-measure unit |
SMUG | Spokane Microcomputer Users Group |
SMX-6000 | a Fujitsu switch model |
SNA | systems network architecture (IBM) |
SNet | SONET Network (Northern Telecom).SNMP simple network management protocol |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio |
SO | small outline |
SOB | small outline butt-leaded package |
SOC | system on chip |
SOG | spin-on glass |
SOHO | small office, home office |
SOI | silicon-on-insulator (IC) |
SOIC | small-outline IC |
SOJ | SOIC with J-leads |
SOLA | short, open, load and air-capacitor |
SONET | synchronous optical network |
SOP | small-outline package |
SORF | small-outline radio frequency (package) |
SOS | silicon on sapphire |
SOSCARD | Secure Operating System Card |
SOT | small-outline transistor |
SOVA | soft-output Viterbi algorithms |
SP | span processor |
SP | switch port (Ericsson) |
SPARC | scalable processor architecture |
Sparc | scalable processor architecture |
SPDIP | shrink plastic dual in-line package |
SPDM | scalable polynomial-delay model |
spdt | single-pole, double-throw |
SPE | synchronous payload envelope |
SPI | serial peripheral interface |
SPI | synchronous pixel interface |
Spice | Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit |
SPIE | The International Society for Optical Engineering |
SPL | sound pressure level |
SPLD | simple programmable-logic device |
SPM | scanning probe microscope |
SPS | samples per second |
SPS | sound-processing software |
spst | single-pole, single-throw |
SQAM | Sound Quality Assessment Material |
SQC | statistical quality control |
SQE | signal-quality error |
SQFP | shrink quad flat pack |
SQL | search and query language |
SQPSK | staggered quadrature phase-shift keying (communications) |
SR | set/reset (flip-flop) |
SRAM | static random-access memory |
SRC | Semiconductor Research Corporation (industry funded) |
SRCS | SilkRoad Refractive Synchronization Communication |
SRL | shift register latch |
SS | spread spectrum (communications) |
SS7 | Signalling System 7 |
SSA | serial storage architecture |
SSB | single sideband |
SSD | solid-state disk |
SSET | switching system exchange termination |
SSH | simultaneous sample and hold (data acquisition) |
SSI | small-scale integration |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
SSMM | solid-state mass memory |
SSOP | shrink small-outline package |
SSR | scalable sampling rate |
SSR | solid-state relay |
SST | Science, Space, and Technology (US House of Representatives committee) |
SST | solid state technology |
SST | simultaneous self-test (logic mode) |
SST | supersonic transport (aircraft) |
SSTL | stub-series-terminated logic |
STB | set-top box |
STL | Schottky transistor logic.STM scanning tunneling microscope |
STM | synchronous transfer mode |
STM | synchronous transport module |
STN | The Scientific and Technical Information Network (Internet) |
STP | shielded twisted pair |
STRIFE | stress and life (testing) |
STS | synchronous transport signal |
STT | set-top terminal |
STTL | Schottky transistor-transistor logic (TTL) |
SUI | speech user interface (multimedia) |
SUS | silicon unilateral switch |
SVD | simultaneous voice and data |
SVGA | super video graphics adapter (800X600 pixels) |
SVHS | super VHS (video format) |
SVP | surge voltage protector |
SWL | sound (power) level |
SWR | standing-wave ratio |
SYSOP | system operator (Internet) |
T | |
T-BGA | tape ball grid array |
T/H | track and hold |
T/R | transmit and receive |
TAB | tape automated bonding |
TAC | Technical Activity Committee |
TACS | Total Access Communication System (British cellular) |
tan | tangent |
TAP | test access part |
TAPI | telephone application program interface |
TAT | transatlantic telephone (cable) |
TAV | transverse acoustic-wave voltage |
Tbit | terabit |
Tbit/sec | terabits per second |
TC | temperature coefficient |
TCAP | transaction capabilities application part |
TCC | temperature coefficient of capacitance |
TCE | temperature coefficient of expansion |
TCE | Technical Computing Environment |
TCE | thermal coefficient of expansion |
TCIF | Telecommunications Industry Forum |
TCM | thermal conduction module |
TCM | trellis-coded modulation |
TCO | total cost of ownership |
TCP | tape carrier package |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
TCR | tape carrier ring |
TCR | temperature coefficient of resistance |
TCXO | temperature compensated crystal oscillators |
TDC | time-to-digital converter |
TDAC | time-domain alias cancellation (synonymous with MDCT) |
TDD | time-division duplex |
TDDS | time-division duplex system (communications) |
TDM | time-division multiplexing (communications) |
TDMA | time-division multiple access (communications) |
TDR | time domain reflectometer |
TE | transverse electric |
TEC | thermal electrical cooler |
TEGFET | 2-D electron-gas field effect transistor |
TEM | transverse electromagnetic |
TF | transfer function |
TFF | thin-film filter |
TFI | transport format indicator |
TFP | thin flat package |
TFT | thin-film transistor |
TFT-LCD | thin-film transistor liquid crystal display |
THB | temperature humidity bias |
THD | total harmonic distortion.THHN Thermoplastic high heat-resistant coated nylon |
3D | three-dimensional |
TIA | Telecommunications Industry Association (Washington, DC) |
TIA | time-interval analyzer |
TIC | tape-automated bond in cap |
TIFF | tagged image format file (computer graphics) |
TIGA | Texas Instruments' Graphics Architecture |
TiN | titanium nitride |
TIR | total indicated reading |
TISSS | Tester Independent Software Support System (DOD program) |
TL1 | Transaction Language 1 |
TLB | translation-look-aside buffer |
TLC | thin-layer chromatography |
TLIM | transmission-line model |
TLM | transmission line matrix |
TLM | triple-layer metal |
TM | traffic management |
TMC | transfer mode converter/switch port termination |
TMN | Traffic Management Network |
TMRC | Technology Marketing and Research Council |
TMSL | test and measurement systems language |
Tn | digital carrier, type n |
TN | twister nematic (LC display) |
TO | transistor outline package |
TOP | thin outline package |
TPC | Transaction Processing Council (standard) |
TPC | transmit power control |
tpi | tracks per inch |
TPQFP | test-pad quad flat pack |
TPU | time processor unit |
TQC | total quality control |
TQFP | tape quad flat pack |
TQFP | thin quad flat pack |
TQM | total quality management |
Tr | transition time |
TRAM | transputer random access memory (module) |
triac | triac bidirectional rectifier (two SCRs used in antiparallel) |
TRP | Technology-Reinvestment Program |
TSB | Telecommunications Standardization Bureau |
TSOP | thin small outline package |
TSP | temperature-sensitive parameter |
TSSOP | thin-scaled small-outline package |
TSSOP | thin-shrink small-outline package |
TST | time-space-time |
TTC | Telecommunications Technology Committee (Japan) |
TTC | time-to-collection (data acquisition) |
TTL | transistor-transistor logic |
TTY | teletypewriter |
TUV | Technische Uberwachungs-Verein (German test lab) |
TVI | TV interface |
TVRO | television receive-only (DBS) |
TVS | transient-voltage suppressor |
TwinVQ | transform-domain-weighted interleaved vector quantization |
2-D | two-dimensional |
TXCO | temperature compensated oscillator |
U | |
uA | microampere |
UART | universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (communications) |
UBR | unspecified bit rate |
UBS | uninterruptible battery system |
uC | microcomputer |
uC | microcontroller |
UCOM | Users' Committee of Foreign Semiconductors |
UDI | Universal Digital Interface |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol (Internet).UDPs user-defined primitives |
UDWDM | ultradense-wavelength-division multiplexing |
uF | microfarad |
ug | microgram |
uH | microhenry |
UHF | ultrahigh frequency |
UHV | ultrahigh vacuum |
UIL | User Interface Language (Open Software Foundation) |
UJT | unijunction transistor |
UL | Underwriters' Laboratory |
ULSI | ultra large-scale integration |
um | micron |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunication System |
UN | United Nations |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Program |
UNI | User Network Interface (standard) |
uP | microprocessor |
UPnP | Universal Plug and Play (www.upnp.org) |
UPC | universal product code |
UPS | uninterruptible power source |
UPSR | unifine pitch |
US | Upstream |
USART | transmitter |
USAT | ultrasmall aperture terminal |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USDC | US Display Consortium |
USE/DA | Users Society for Electronic Design Automation |
usec | microsecond |
USTA | US Telephone Association |
UTC | Universal Coordinated Time |
UTOPIA | Universal Test and Operations Physical Interface for Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
UTP | unshielded twisted pair |
UTQFP | ultrathin quad flat pack |
UTRA | UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access |
UTSOP | ultrathin small-outline package |
UUT | unit under test |
uV | microvolt |
UV | ultraviolet |
UV-PROM | ultraviolet-erasable PROM |
UVLO | undervoltage lockout (thresholds) |
uW | microwatt |
V | |
V | volt |
V | ac volts alternating current |
V | dc volts direct current |
V-MOS | v-groove MOS |
V/F | voltage to frequency |
VA | volt-ampere |
VAFC | VESA Advanced Feature Connection |
VAR | value-added reseller |
VAR | volt-ampere, reactive |
VB | visual Basic (multimedia software) |
VBI | vertical blanking interval (TV) |
VBR | variable bit rate (networking) (nrt - non-real time; rt - real time) |
VBX | Visual Basic extension |
VC | virtual channel |
VCA | voltage-controlled amplifier |
VCD | variable center distance |
VCI | virtual channel indicator/identifier (network) |
VCIF | VESA Display Information Format |
VCO | voltage-controlled oscillator |
VCPU | video compression processor unit |
VCR | videocassette recorder |
VCSEL | vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser |
VCVA | voltage-controlled variable attenuator.VCXO voltage-controlled crystal oscillator |
VDE | visual development environment |
VDE | video-decompression engine |
VDSL | very high-rate digital subscriber line (40 Mbps downstream) |
VESA | Video Electronics Standards Association |
VF | vacuum fluorescent (display) |
VF | voice frequency (300 to 3400 Hz) |
VFC | voltage-to-frequency converter |
VFD | vacuum fluorescent display |
VFEA | VMEbus Futurebus + Extended Architecture |
VFO | variable-frequency oscillator |
VGA | video-graphics adapter |
VGA | video-graphics array |
VGA | video graphic accelerator (circuit) |
VGA | Video Graphics Adapter |
VHADSL | very-high-bit-rate asymmetric digital subscriber line |
VHDL | very-high-density logic |
VHDL | very-high-speed integrated-circuit hardware-description language |
VHDSL | very-high-bit rate digital subscriber line |
VHF | very high-frequency (30 kHz to 300 MHz) |
VHSIC | very high-speed IC |
VIL | vertical in-line |
VISA | virtual instrument software architecture |
VISA | VXI System Alliance (standard) |
VITA | VMEbus International Trade Association |
Vital | VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC Libraries (organization) |
VLAN | virtual local-area network |
VL | Bus VESA local bus |
VLC/VLD | variable length coding, variable length decoding |
VLF | very low frequency (below 30 kHz) |
VLIW | very long instruction word (computer architecture) |
VLS | virtual library system |
VLSI | very-large-scale integration |
VMC | VESA Media Channel (bus) |
VME | versa module eurocard |
VME | virtual machine environment |
VMEbus | versatile modular E-bus (from former VERSAbus-E) |
VMTP | Versatile Message Transaction Protocol (communications) |
VNA | vector network analyzer |
VOD | video-on-demand |
VoIP | voice over Internet Protocol |
VOST | VESA Open Set Top (group) |
VOX | voice-operated threshold (communications) |
VP | virtual path |
VP | video processor |
VPAK | vertical package |
VPCI | virtual path connection identifier |
VPD | vapor phase dissolution |
VPE | vapor phase epitaxy |
VPEC | Virginia Power Electronics Center (Blacksburg, VA) |
VPI | virtual path indicator/identifier (network) |
VPM | vertical package module |
VPN | virtual private network |
VPP | VXI Plug-and-Play (systems alliance) |
VPS | vapor phase soldering |
VQ | vector quantization |
VQFP | very-fine-pitch quad flat pack |
VR | virtual reality |
VRAM | video random-access memory |
VRD | virtual retina display |
VRM | voice recognition module |
VROOMM | Virtual Runtime Object-Oriented Memory Manager |
versus | versus |
vs | versus |
VSAT | very small aperature terminal (satellite transceiver with 30-40cm disk) |
VSB | vestigial sideband |
VSB | VME Subsystem bus.VSELP vector-sum excited linear-predictive (speech coding) |
VSIM | virtual surface image memory |
VSO | very small-outline |
VSOP | very small outline package (Japanese MFP) |
VSS | VHDL system simulator |
VSWR | voltage standing-wave ratio (RF and microwave) |
VTCO | voltage-temperature cutoff (battery charging) |
VTVM | vacuum tube Voltmeter |
VU | volume unit (meter) |
VXCO | voltage-controlled crystal oscillator |
VXI | VME eXtensions for Instrumentation |
VXIbus | VMEbus eXtension for Instrumentation |
W | |
W | watt |
WAIS | wide-area information server (Internet) |
WAN | wide-area network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WB | wire bonded |
WDM | wavelength-division multiplexing |
WFQ | weighted fair queuing |
Whr | watthour |
WLAN | wireless local area network |
WLL | wireless local loop |
WMA | Windows Media Audio |
WML | Wireless Markup Language |
WORM | write once, read many (optical desk) |
wPKI | wireless public-key infrastructure) |
wpm | words per minute |
WRAM | window RAM |
WRED | weighted random early discard |
WRR | weighted round robin |
WSI | wafer scale integration |
WTLS | wireless transport-layer security |
WUT | wafer under test |
WWW | World Wide Web of the Internet |
WYSIWYG | what you see is what you get |
X | |
X-MOS | high-speed metal-oxide semiconductor |
XA | extended architecture (CD-ROM) |
XDR | external data representation |
xDSL | Digital Subscriber Line |
XGA | extended graphics adapter |
XIP | execute-in-place |
XIWT | Cross-Industry Working Team (information transmission) |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
XPG | X/Open Portability Guide (standard group) |
XRF | x-ray fluorescence (spectroscopy) |
XTP | Express Transfer Protocol (communications) |
Y | |
YAG | ytrrium-aluminum garnet |
YIG | yttrium iron garnet (microwave device material) |
YTD | year to date |
YUV | luminance/chrominance |
Z | |
ZCS | zero-current switching |
ZIF | zero insertion force |
ZIP | zigzag-in-line package |
ZnO | zinc oxide |
ZVS | zero-voltage switching. |